
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12947 From: nofear53 Date: 3/14/2016
Subject: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine
Attachments :

    Tom or anyone who may be able to help,

    I am designing a system that is to be used to inspect circuit boards with an optical camera.

    I have a standard 3 axis XYZ cartesian coordinate setup for the circuit board where it's center is at the origin (0,0,0).  I am able to rotate the board about the X-axis and the Y-axis again centered about the origin (but no rotation about the Z-axis).

    Just above the board, there is a small digital camera which I have X,Y,Z control over the position of the bottom of the camera facing downward. 

    So, if the board were to be flat (X-Y plane) then the camera is free to move anywhere above the board and collect data at points directed by the operator.  Some components need to be inspected at an angle, thus the operator will drive to the designated location and then begin to adjust rotations of the board (again via x-axis and y-axis only).  

    In order to try to make this user friendly and prevent accidental camera to board crashes, I'd like to implement a collision avoidance capability. 

    Currently, I have 2 designated fixed points on the board that I continuously monitor and apply rotation matrices to with angle inputs driven by the encoders attached to an X-axis-rotation and a Y-axis-rotation motor. Essentially allowing me to create a plane using the two points.  I draw a vector from the origin (0,0,0) to the two points, take the cross product of the the two vectors to get a normal vector.  Then since the board is centered about the origin, my plane becomes a standard plane equation Ax + By + Cz = 0. Where <A,B,C> is my normal vector.

    I then find the distance from the plane to the point in space representing the bottom center of the camera.

    My issue here is that in order for me to detect if there is a crash, I have to continuously check to see if the distance between the point of the camera an the plane is less than a certain threshold.  However, when I reach that threshold, I send a Jog(axis,0) command.  This creates a very violent jerk that literally shakes the machine as it stops from colliding.  I don't think this is the best approach.  Is there a way to define a limit for each axis based on where the plane lays? If there is a way to look-ahead, then I could set the final destination of the move to a point on the plane insuring it doesn't collide.

    Are there any functions available to define a collision or keep-out area/zone in Kmotion C environment?

    Also, lets say I wanted to get as close as I can to the board which is at some angular plane.  How would I be able to move up and down or left to right by tracking the plane with a parallel offset?

    I was thinking of using linear coordinated motion with a start and an end with two sets of points that ARE ON the plane.  However, this approach would not work for me.

    I have ran the CoordMotioninKFLOPTest.c

    It seems to only work for total step moves of 10,000 steps or less.  I need to make longer moves, perhaps 55,000 steps.  Is this feature limited to a certain # of continuos steps? 

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 12948 From: Hardy Family Date: 3/14/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine
    Regarding the violent stop motion: I recently experimented with dynamic feed rate overrides in the kflop with some success.  So you might consider using the FRO to slow down motion as you approach the limiting distance above the plane.  Your code in the kflop which monitors the camera distance from the plane could define a deceleration distance, then proportionally reduce the FRO from 1.0 to 0.0 as it approaches the plane from that distance.

    Regarding camera positioning, one approach is to use 5-axis kinematics to transform between "local" board coordinates and actuator positions.  Since you seem to have some sort of gimbal arrangement for rotation, you should be able to easily compute a 4x4 matrix that transforms desired camera position (as the point on the board which is to be examined) and orientation (e.g. altitude and azimuth angles) into actuator positions.  There's plenty of info a short Google search away.

    An advantage of this is that you get automatic "collision avoidance" provided that you don't allow the viewpoint angle to exceed (say) 60 degrees down from the normal, and don't allow Z to go negative.  Also, movement in XYZ is relative to the board, regardless of the current rotary angles.


    On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 7:13 AM, b.sahilu@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

    Tom or anyone who may be able to help,

    I am designing a system that is to be used to inspect circuit boards with an optical camera.

    I have a standard 3 axis XYZ cartesian coordinate setup for the circuit board where it's center is at the origin (0,0,0).  I am able to rotate the board about the X-axis and the Y-axis again centered about the origin (but no rotation about the Z-axis).

    Just above the board, there is a small digital camera which I have X,Y,Z control over the position of the bottom of the camera facing downward. 

    So, if the board were to be flat (X-Y plane) then the camera is free to move anywhere above the board and collect data at points directed by the operator.  Some components need to be inspected at an angle, thus the operator will drive to the designated location and then begin to adjust rotations of the board (again via x-axis and y-axis only).  

    In order to try to make this user friendly and prevent accidental camera to board crashes, I'd like to implement a collision avoidance capability. 

    Currently, I have 2 designated fixed points on the board that I continuously monitor and apply rotation matrices to with angle inputs driven by the encoders attached to an X-axis-rotation and a Y-axis-rotation motor. Essentially allowing me to create a plane using the two points.  I draw a vector from the origin (0,0,0) to the two points, take the cross product of the the two vectors to get a normal vector.  Then since the board is centered about the origin, my plane becomes a standard plane equation Ax + By + Cz = 0. Where <A,B,C> is my normal vector.

    I then find the distance from the plane to the point in space representing the bottom center of the camera.

    My issue here is that in order for me to detect if there is a crash, I have to continuously check to see if the distance between the point of the camera an the plane is less than a certain threshold.  However, when I reach that threshold, I send a Jog(axis,0) command.  This creates a very violent jerk that literally shakes the machine as it stops from colliding.  I don't think this is the best approach.  Is there a way to define a limit for each axis based on where the plane lays? If there is a way to look-ahead, then I could set the final destination of the move to a point on the plane insuring it doesn't collide.

    Are there any functions available to define a collision or keep-out area/zone in Kmotion C environment?

    Also, lets say I wanted to get as close as I can to the board which is at some angular plane.  How would I be able to move up and down or left to right by tracking the plane with a parallel offset?

    I was thinking of using linear coordinated motion with a start and an end with two sets of points that ARE ON the plane.  However, this approach would not work for me.

    I have ran the CoordMotioninKFLOPTest.c

    It seems to only work for total step moves of 10,000 steps or less.  I need to make longer moves, perhaps 55,000 steps.  Is this feature limited to a certain # of continuos steps? 

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 12956 From: nofear53 Date: 3/15/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine

    Thanks for the feedback.  I will look into the dynamic FRO and the 5-axis kinematic transforms.
    It didn't occur to me to look at this as a 5-axis system, as it clearly is.  And you're right, if I'm moving with respect to the board at all times, then I get collision detection as a freebie. 

    I'll report back when I make some progress. 


    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13008 From: nofear53 Date: 3/29/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine

    I have gone with the approach you had mentioned and devised a 4x4 matrix to transform an (X,Y,Z) point with respect to the board-plane and determined what the transformed equivalent (X',Y',Z') would be after both the new roll and pitch angles.  I have confirmed the transformed values are correct using MatLab. 

    I was then going to feed that into a custom function with an initial position of the current X,Y,Z of the camera and final position of the transformed X',Y',Z' of the camera.  

    I wanted to use the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP functions to achieve a linear motion, which should restrict the shortest path to be linear and parallel to the plane (this is where I'm getting my collision avoidance). 

    Here is a code snippet from the thread responsible for the motion: 

    int move_linear_coordinated_xyz(void)

      VM = 10000;
      A = 8000;


      x0 = ch0->Position;
      y0 = ch1-> Position;
      z0 = ch2-> Position;

      x1 = *X_final;
      y1 = *Y_final;
      z1 = *Z_final;



    Here is the code snippet from the thread responsible for tracking the transforms:

    void Dynamic_Board_Tracking(void)
    //various custom functions called here to perform the rotation based on X,Y,Z inputs with respect to the board

      *X_final = (int)A.transformed[0]; // set *X_final pointer to transformed X position
      *Y_final = (int)A.transformed[1]; // set *Y_final pointer to transformed Y position
      *Z_final = (int)A.transformed[2]; // set *Z_final pointer to transformed Z position


    Granted these are a bit simplified to get the point across. And in my mind, this should work.
    It doesn't. I don't think it is anything to do with the logic however.

    For some reason, when I run it, it seems like the execution of the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP is behind one cycle.  Meaning, I can execute one set of transformed potions as a final position (x1,y1,z1) with an initial position (x0,y0,z0) as the CURRENT position as acquired from the encoders but nothing happens.  As soon as I send it another set of newly transformed final positions, it will RUN the previous point.  Furthermore, it does 2 axis coordinated rather than 3.  

    Any ideas?

    I'm running 4.33
    I've ran the CoordinatedMotioninKFLOP Functions from both the 4.33 and 4.34 versions.  The functions from 4.33 won't allow me to input final positions larger than 10K steps (which I found out by trial and error).  The 4.34 functions run well, but I get the above mentioned delayed motion execution. 


    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13012 From: Hardy Family Date: 3/29/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine
    I have not actually used the coordinated motion functions in the kflop.  I have only ever needed to use Move() or MoveAtVel() in the kflop, and use a PC for anything more fancy.

    It appears that there is a step which you are missing which actually launches the coordinated motion (some sort of buffer release).  If you can't figure that out, then there's a dirty trick I use to get pseudo-coordinated motion: the idea is to use MoveAtVel() and specify the velocity in proportion to the vector components of the direction you want to move.  If you don't need the path to be exactly linear, but get to the destination point exactly, then this works fine (we use it for probing).  The nice thing about this is that you can re-vector the move at any point, so it is good for dynamic tracking of a target position.

    Forgive me if I misunderstand your application, but maybe you have the situation where you are continuously feeding camera position (X,Y,Z,lambda,phi) w.r.t. the board being inspected.  Then it would be ideal for the kflop system to continously track the position command and move as appropriate, something like a 5-axis MPG jog.  I think that the coordinated motion functions are too complex to use in this situation.  It would be easier to use MoveAtVel() from the main program loop to continuously servo the camera into position.  You could use some of the ideas in the MPG jog example.  Of course, you need to run your coordinate transform for the command positions, including calculating a new 4x4 matrix when the command angles change.  Since this is done at a fast update rate (100Hz or so would be feasible) it should be very smooth tracking.


    On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 2:47 AM, b.sahilu@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


    I have gone with the approach you had mentioned and devised a 4x4 matrix to transform an (X,Y,Z) point with respect to the board-plane and determined what the transformed equivalent (X',Y',Z') would be after both the new roll and pitch angles.  I have confirmed the transformed values are correct using MatLab. 

    I was then going to feed that into a custom function with an initial position of the current X,Y,Z of the camera and final position of the transformed X',Y',Z' of the camera.  

    I wanted to use the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP functions to achieve a linear motion, which should restrict the shortest path to be linear and parallel to the plane (this is where I'm getting my collision avoidance). 

    Here is a code snippet from the thread responsible for the motion: 

    int move_linear_coordinated_xyz(void)

      VM = 10000;
      A = 8000;


      x0 = ch0->Position;
      y0 = ch1-> Position;
      z0 = ch2-> Position;

      x1 = *X_final;
      y1 = *Y_final;
      z1 = *Z_final;



    Here is the code snippet from the thread responsible for tracking the transforms:

    void Dynamic_Board_Tracking(void)
    //various custom functions called here to perform the rotation based on X,Y,Z inputs with respect to the board

      *X_final = (int)A.transformed[0]; // set *X_final pointer to transformed X position
      *Y_final = (int)A.transformed[1]; // set *Y_final pointer to transformed Y position
      *Z_final = (int)A.transformed[2]; // set *Z_final pointer to transformed Z position


    Granted these are a bit simplified to get the point across. And in my mind, this should work.
    It doesn't. I don't think it is anything to do with the logic however.

    For some reason, when I run it, it seems like the execution of the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP is behind one cycle.  Meaning, I can execute one set of transformed potions as a final position (x1,y1,z1) with an initial position (x0,y0,z0) as the CURRENT position as acquired from the encoders but nothing happens.  As soon as I send it another set of newly transformed final positions, it will RUN the previous point.  Furthermore, it does 2 axis coordinated rather than 3.  

    Any ideas?

    I'm running 4.33
    I've ran the CoordinatedMotioninKFLOP Functions from both the 4.33 and 4.34 versions.  The functions from 4.33 won't allow me to input final positions larger than 10K steps (which I found out by trial and error).  The 4.34 functions run well, but I get the above mentioned delayed motion execution. 


    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13022 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/30/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine
    There is a new "flush" operation that is needed in order for the Coordinated Motion to complete.  This new feature provides protection against the Coordinated Motion Buffer starving for data if it isn't filled fast enough.  To inform KFLOP that all the data has been placed into the buffer and it is ok to execute it all and run empty execute the line:

            CS0_Flushed=TRUE;    // Allow Motion to run to end

    You might add it before your line of:


    Maybe that is giving you the "delayed" motion?


    On 3/29/2016 2:47 AM, b.sahilu@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


    I have gone with the approach you had mentioned and devised a 4x4 matrix to transform an (X,Y,Z) point with respect to the board-plane and determined what the transformed equivalent (X',Y',Z') would be after both the new roll and pitch angles.  I have confirmed the transformed values are correct using MatLab. 

    I was then going to feed that into a custom function with an initial position of the current X,Y,Z of the camera and final position of the transformed X',Y',Z' of the camera.  

    I wanted to use the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP functions to achieve a linear motion, which should restrict the shortest path to be linear and parallel to the plane (this is where I'm getting my collision avoidance). 

    Here is a code snippet from the thread responsible for the motion: 

    int move_linear_coordinated_xyz(void)

      VM = 10000;
      A = 8000;


      x0 = ch0->Position;
      y0 = ch1-> Position;
      z0 = ch2-> Position;

      x1 = *X_final;
      y1 = *Y_final;
      z1 = *Z_final;



    Here is the code snippet from the thread responsible for tracking the transforms:

    void Dynamic_Board_Tracking(void)
    //various custom functions called here to perform the rotation based on X,Y,Z inputs with respect to the board

      *X_final = (int)A.transformed[0]; // set *X_final pointer to transformed X position
      *Y_final = (int)A.transformed[1]; // set *Y_final pointer to transformed Y position
      *Z_final = (int)A.transformed[2]; // set *Z_final pointer to transformed Z position


    Granted these are a bit simplified to get the point across. And in my mind, this should work.
    It doesn't. I don't think it is anything to do with the logic however.

    For some reason, when I run it, it seems like the execution of the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP is behind one cycle.  Meaning, I can execute one set of transformed potions as a final position (x1,y1,z1) with an initial position (x0,y0,z0) as the CURRENT position as acquired from the encoders but nothing happens.  As soon as I send it another set of newly transformed final positions, it will RUN the previous point.  Furthermore, it does 2 axis coordinated rather than 3.  

    Any ideas?

    I'm running 4.33
    I've ran the CoordinatedMotioninKFLOP Functions from both the 4.33 and 4.34 versions.  The functions from 4.33 won't allow me to input final positions larger than 10K steps (which I found out by trial and error).  The 4.34 functions run well, but I get the above mentioned delayed motion execution. 


    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13024 From: Bruk S Date: 3/30/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine

    Glad you chimed in. 

    I actually replicated the polygon coordinated motion example and in that the flush is implemented and I do have that in my code as well. Must have forgotten to add that in there when typing up the code snippet above.  So I'm not sure why it's still not working. 

    SJH, thanks for your input as well. If I can't get the coordinated functions to work, I'll resort to the pseudo motion approach. I'm hoping however, I won't have to go that route, the CM functions would make my already convoluted source-code a bit easier to manage (fingers crossed). 

    On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Tom Kerekes tk@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

    There is a new "flush" operation that is needed in order for the Coordinated Motion to complete. This new feature provides protection against the Coordinated Motion Buffer starving for data if it isn't filled fast enough. To inform KFLOP that all the data has been placed into the buffer and it is ok to execute it all and run empty execute the line:

    CS0_Flushed=TRUE; // Allow Motion to run to end

    You might add it before your line of:


    Maybe that is giving you the "delayed" motion?


    On 3/29/2016 2:47 AM, b.sahilu@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


    I have gone with the approach you had mentioned and devised a 4x4 matrix to transform an (X,Y,Z) point with respect to the board-plane and determined what the transformed equivalent (X',Y',Z') would be after both the new roll and pitch angles. I have confirmed the transformed values are correct using MatLab.

    I was then going to feed that into a custom function with an initial position of the current X,Y,Z of the camera and final position of the transformed X',Y',Z' of the camera.

    I wanted to use the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP functions to achieve a linear motion, which should restrict the shortest path to be linear and parallel to the plane (this is where I'm getting my collision avoidance).

    Here is a code snippet from the thread responsible for the motion:

    int move_linear_coordinated_xyz(void)

    VM = 10000;
    A = 8000;


    x0 = ch0->Position;
    y0 = ch1-> Position;
    z0 = ch2-> Position;

    x1 = *X_final;
    y1 = *Y_final;
    z1 = *Z_final;



    Here is the code snippet from the thread responsible for tracking the transforms:

    void Dynamic_Board_Tracking(void)
    //various custom functions called here to perform the rotation based on X,Y,Z inputs with respect to the board

    *X_final = (int)A.transformed[0]; // set *X_final pointer to transformed X position
    *Y_final = (int)A.transformed[1]; // set *Y_final pointer to transformed Y position
    *Z_final = (int)A.transformed[2]; // set *Z_final pointer to transformed Z position


    Granted these are a bit simplified to get the point across. And in my mind, this should work.
    It doesn't. I don't think it is anything to do with the logic however.

    For some reason, when I run it, it seems like the execution of the coordinatedMotioninKFLOP is behind one cycle. Meaning, I can execute one set of transformed potions as a final position (x1,y1,z1) with an initial position (x0,y0,z0) as the CURRENT position as acquired from the encoders but nothing happens. As soon as I send it another set of newly transformed final positions, it will RUN the previous point. Furthermore, it does 2 axis coordinated rather than 3.

    Any ideas?

    I'm running 4.33
    I've ran the CoordinatedMotioninKFLOP Functions from both the 4.33 and 4.34 versions. The functions from 4.33 won't allow me to input final positions larger than 10K steps (which I found out by trial and error). The 4.34 functions run well, but I get the above mentioned delayed motion execution.


    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13026 From: nofear53 Date: 3/30/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine
    Tom and SJH,

    I finally figured out why the Coordinated Motion didn't work. Although  I was using the updated (4.34a) CoordMotionInKFLOPFunctions.c definitions, I failed to include (copy into my personal project folder) the new KMotionDef.h from the 4.34a update.  As expected, the coordinated motion now works perfectly! Super hyped about that.

    Now on to my next problem (and of-course there would be).

    Prior to using any CM, I had various functions that I used to move each axis using Move() commands.
    In my Axes Initialization functions, I had my X-axis split between 2 axes, Axis0 & Axis6.  Where Axis6 is a slave to Axis0. Both tracked each other and worked as expected for my application.

    Now with the new CM approach, I have lost my link between Axis0 & Axis6.  Hmmmm, how do I get that functionality back? 

    Thanks in advance! 
    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13027 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 3/30/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine
    I'm not sure I understand. But the Slave axis should follow the Master regardless of whether the Master is moved independently or as part of the Coordinated movement. 

    A common mistake is to include the Slave into the Coordinated Motion System. It shouldn't be included.   Only the Master should be included. 



    On Mar 30, 2016, at 8:40 PM, b.sahilu@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


    Tom and SJH,

    I finally figured out why the Coordinated Motion didn't work. Although  I was using the updated (4.34a) CoordMotionInKFLOPFunctions.c definitions, I failed to include (copy into my personal project folder) the new KMotionDef.h from the 4.34a update.  As expected, the coordinated motion now works perfectly! Super hyped about that.

    Now on to my next problem (and of-course there would be).

    Prior to using any CM, I had various functions that I used to move each axis using Move() commands.
    In my Axes Initialization functions, I had my X-axis split between 2 axes, Axis0 & Axis6.  Where Axis6 is a slave to Axis0. Both tracked each other and worked as expected for my application.

    Now with the new CM approach, I have lost my link between Axis0 & Axis6.  Hmmmm, how do I get that functionality back? 

    Thanks in advance! 

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13028 From: nofear53 Date: 3/30/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine

    Yes, that is what I had assumed would be true as well.

    After I finish my homing routine I set  ch6->MasterAxis=0;

    I can confirm ch6 does in fact follow ch0 when I send move commands to ch0 via KMotion console.
    And I do NOT have ch6 included in my coordinate motion system.  But when I run the CM routine I have, ch6 does NOT even move at all. 

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13046 From: nofear53 Date: 4/2/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine


    I have finally gotten all 6 axes to coordinate their motion in harmony! Very excited! 

    Tom, I am still unable to set ch6 as a slave to ch0, however, I have remedied it for now by simply adding ch6 to the CM system definition and assigning the move-to position of ch6 the same as ch0.  That seems to give me the desired motion I needed.

    So for now, I have point tracking, collision avoidance and the super cool-factor of all the motion happening in synch! Annnnnnnd now my new hurdle, you knew it was coming.

    Before CM, I had individual axis control for jogging.  Based on user/operator input via a touch screen UI, I would execute a simple MoveAtVel() for the desired axis at a slow vel and send the axis to it’s extreme limit (assures that I’d get a smooth stop at the limit vs Jog() cmd).  If at any point along the path the jog button was depressed, then I send a stop command to that axis. Simple and worked great.

    Now I want to implement the same feature with the new CM system.  I think the same logic will work.  Send the camera to the extreme point of the desired axis and stop anywhere along the way.  I have implemented this and it does work, buuuuuuut it does NOT stop.

    I have attempted the following commands while waiting for the coordinated motion buffer to be executed:

      while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)


        if(*jogVelocity == 0)  //condition for button depressed


          CS0_StoppingState = 0;





    This does not stop it. In fact, it attempts to stop then resumes after a short hiccup.  I have also tried the following:

      while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)


        if(*jogVelocity == 0)


          CS0_StoppingState = 0;






    This is a very violent stop and I cannot get it to resume any other motion after that.

    Is there an easier way to implement a similar task like the Feed Hold button in Kmotion but clear the current buffer so that when it resumes I get to jog in a different axes without continuing the old path? Hope that makes sense. 

    Or perhaps something like this: 

      while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)


        if(*jogVelocity == 0)


          CS0_StoppingState = 0;


          while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)   <------ I don't know what condition to wait for to insure motion has stopped


       //wait for CM to stop






    Thanks in advance guys! 

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13051 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/3/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine
    I think the main problem is CS0_StoppingState is feedhold status and should not be changed by your code.

    extern int CS0_StoppingState;             // emergency stop in progress, 0 = not stopping, 1=stopping coord motion, 2=stopping indep, 3=fully stopped, 4=ind stopped

    Also feedhold should only really be issued once not continuously.  Although if you don't change CS0_StoppingState then repeated StopImmedately calls will be ignored.

    So I think the sequence you want to stop might be:

    #1 Detect when you want to stop and call StopImmediately()
    #2 wait until CS0_StoppingState >= 3 to know feedhold has completed and we are now stopped
    #3 Command ClearStopImmediately() to clear any remaining coordinated motion and to release FeedHold


    On 4/2/2016 4:47 PM, b.sahilu@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


    I have finally gotten all 6 axes to coordinate their motion in harmony! Very excited! 

    Tom, I am still unable to set ch6 as a slave to ch0, however, I have remedied it for now by simply adding ch6 to the CM system definition and assigning the move-to position of ch6 the same as ch0.  That seems to give me the desired motion I needed.

    So for now, I have point tracking, collision avoidance and the super cool-factor of all the motion happening in synch! Annnnnnnd now my new hurdle, you knew it was coming.

    Before CM, I had individual axis control for jogging.  Based on user/operator input via a touch screen UI, I would execute a simple MoveAtVel() for the desired axis at a slow vel and send the axis to it’s extreme limit (assures that I’d get a smooth stop at the limit vs Jog() cmd).  If at any point along the path the jog button was depressed, then I send a stop command to that axis. Simple and worked great.

    Now I want to implement the same feature with the new CM system.  I think the same logic will work.  Send the camera to the extreme point of the desired axis and stop anywhere along the way.  I have implemented this and it does work, buuuuuuut it does NOT stop.

    I have attempted the following commands while waiting for the coordinated motion buffer to be executed:

      while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)


        if(*jogVelocity == 0)  //condition for button depressed


          CS0_StoppingState = 0;





    This does not stop it. In fact, it attempts to stop then resumes after a short hiccup.  I have also tried the following:

      while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)


        if(*jogVelocity == 0)


          CS0_StoppingState = 0;






    This is a very violent stop and I cannot get it to resume any other motion after that.

    Is there an easier way to implement a similar task like the Feed Hold button in Kmotion but clear the current buffer so that when it resumes I get to jog in a different axes without continuing the old path? Hope that makes sense. 

    Or perhaps something like this: 

      while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)


        if(*jogVelocity == 0)


          CS0_StoppingState = 0;


          while(CheckDoneBuf() != 1)   <------ I don't know what condition to wait for to insure motion has stopped


       //wait for CM to stop






    Thanks in advance guys! 

    Group: DynoMotion Message: 13058 From: nofear53 Date: 4/3/2016
    Subject: Re: Collision Avoidance For Custom Machine

    Yup, that did the trick!

    Thanks again!